Georgina Rodriguez about the novel with Cristiano Ronaldo: "Meet such a person is not easy"


It is not easy to meet with such a famous person, but I would not change anything. My feelings are stronger than any pressure. Our mutual admiration makes us stronger

- said Georgina. The model also shared with a journalist that it is important for her to remain attractive to the partner, and therefore it even sleeps in beautiful underwear.

It is convenient, sexually and romantic and can please your man,

- said the star.

Rodriguez quenched the curiosity of fans and told that the first meeting with Cristiano took place in 2016:

We met in the Gucci boutique, where I worked as a sales assistant. A few days later, we saw again at an event organized by another brand. In such a relaxed setting, we were able to talk. For us both it was love at first sight.

Georgina Rodriguez about the novel with Cristiano Ronaldo:

Georgina Rodriguez about the novel with Cristiano Ronaldo:

In 2017, the model gave birth to Alan's daughter's beloved, which caused active discussions, because for a short time he had already become the father of the twins Eva and Mateo from the surrogate mother. Of course, many suspected Rodriguez in a striving for easy money.

Economic wealth is, of course, well, but it's not always easy to deal with big money. They are not a guarantee of happiness and not the meaning of life. My greatest wealth is a healthy and happy family,

- signed a star.

Georgina Rodriguez about the novel with Cristiano Ronaldo:

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