Keith Harington denied the theory of fans and spoke about the difficulties of flights on the dragons in the "Game of Thrones"


In the sixth season, the creators of the "Games of Thrones" conquered the audience "Battle of Battle of Battleship", and in the final promised to surpass the epic "Lord of the Rings". And although the night shooting was given to China Harington is not easy, he had to be riding on the dragon much worse.

I sat on a special seat longer than we filmed the "Battle of Battleship". Emilia has complained of these flights for several seasons, and I answered: "Yes, yes, you just didn't fall in the mud in Northern Ireland. You just need to sit in a warm room. " But she was right! It was terrible, I did not subscribe to this. It looked, of course, great, but I as a man was very uncomfortable. It seems I can no longer have children,

- Jold actor.

He was asked to comment on the fan theory, according to which John sent an army to the king of the night with the gun to kill him.

Yes drop. What, a big guy went and told a little girl to do it? No thanks. It does not look like John, so she decided everything and did herself,

- Keith said. He also admitted that he was happy for Macy Williams, because she had the honor to kill one of the main antagonists of the show, but at the same time he was angry.

Keith Harington denied the theory of fans and spoke about the difficulties of flights on the dragons in the

It was an excellent plot twist, which gave the journey of Aria sense, but I thought about myself: "I wanted to do it!"

Keith Harington denied the theory of fans and spoke about the difficulties of flights on the dragons in the

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