Maxim Vitorgan caught Konstantina Bogomolov in lies


After in a recent interview with Konstantin Bogomolov generously forgave Maxim a fight in a cafe, Vitorgan left a caustic comment under the post of Ksenia, where she analyzes other people's instagram accounts and makes conclusions that people are exposed to what they really do not have.

Very precisely, Ksyush. And someone half a year tells fairy tales about the broken nose, which no one saw seems not to what. But ... we are born to make a fairy tale, right?

- Called the actor. It seems that Treason Sobchak hit the vitorgan's pride of Vitorgan, otherwise how to explain that he periodically writes an ex-spouse in social networks.

"Hello, my name is Maxim, and I closed Geshetalt," one of the readers commented on witty of Vitorgan. Others advised Vitorgana not to dismiss and to unsubscribe from the former.

Recall that Konstantin Bogomolov after that ill-fated brawl really informed the nose and displaced bones of the skull in two places. However, Vitorgan assures that nothing like the director did not happen.

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