Officially: Keanu Rivz will return to the role of Neo in the fourth "matrix"


Since Lilly Vachovski is currently engaged in other projects, the development of "Matrix 4" will be engaged in her sister Lana. Studio Warner Bros. For several years, he tried to revive the popular franchise, and finally the creators switched to active actions. According to Variety, a hand of Lana Vachovski was put on the creation of the script, Alexander Hemes and David Mitchell. The shooting process should start at the beginning of 2020.

Officially: Keanu Rivz will return to the role of Neo in the fourth

It is not yet known whether Laurens Fishbourne will try the image of Morfeus again, but the on-screen neo and Trinity will definitely return to the matrix.

Many ideas that I and Lilly and I explored twenty years ago, became even more relevant. I am glad that these characters returned to my life, and thankful for the opportunity to work with old friends again,

- said Vachovski.

Officially: Keanu Rivz will return to the role of Neo in the fourth

The original "matrix" was 20 years old. Despite the criticism of the sequels by professional reviewers and ordinary spectators, all three films of the franchise earned $ 1.6 billion and turned the main characters in world celebrities.

Officially: Keanu Rivz will return to the role of Neo in the fourth

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