Keith Harington shared the details of the most difficult and touching scene in the eighth season "Games of Thrones"


The audience have already seen the memorable reaction of China Harington to the murder of Deineris Targaryen during the chute scenario with the caste of the series. According to him, he wanted to learn about the final of the story with everyone, and, as I promised Emilia Clark, I was waiting for a big surprise.

Keith Harington shared the details of the most difficult and touching scene in the eighth season

That's what Kit spoke about the shooting of this scene:

We felt the burden of responsibility on their shoulders. In essence, the scene was one and a half of the page of the dialogue, but we spent three weeks for its creation. Showranner wanted to shoot a moment from all angles and be exactly confident that they wanted what they wanted. It was very tedious and for me, for Emilia, and for the whole team. This scene was definitely one of the most difficult.

But she was not final for John Snow himself. The story of the hero ended with the return to the north, to the wall and the free people with whom he left the six kingdoms.

I love this moment. When I read about it in the script, I was slandered. But what really made me shy - this is the inscription at the bottom: "End" Game of Thrones "." As for the final for John, whom I loved so many years and which became close to me and meaningful ... When I saw it goes beyond the wall back to something true, honest and clean with the free people, I thought he was finally - it became free,

- Corrected Harington.

Keith Harington shared the details of the most difficult and touching scene in the eighth season

Keith Harington shared the details of the most difficult and touching scene in the eighth season

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