Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality: "I am not entitled to all genders immediately"


In his past, Interviews Kara Middle Malovin noted that she is equally interested in communication with both men and women, and the best gift that she can present is an orgasm. In a conversation with American Marie Claire, the star added that he did not talk about sex for sex, but shares experience.

I share your experience, positive and negative, and proud that I can talk about sex openly. I remember Mom first spoke to me on this topic at the age of 14. She admitted that Santa Claus did not exist, and immediately after he suggested talking about pestles and stamens,

- told Melievin.

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

She noted that she strives to destroy gender stereotypes complicating life.

The entire idea of ​​the gender is so fixed. I want to destroy it. I am not entitled to all genders right away, but I definitely feel the same man as a woman,

- said the model.

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

In the past few weeks, the tabloids wrote about the possible engagement of the punishes with Ashley Benson, and after and they spoke at all about the secret wedding of lovers. According to insiders, there was no wedding, the couple conducted a comic ceremony in Las Vegas. Melievin did not comment on rumors, but told about the first meeting with the star "Cute Leschezhets":

We did not look for a relationship, so everything happened naturally.

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

Kara Melievin about the novel with Ashley Benson and Sexuality:

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