Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis


As a child, she noticed that her mother and dad were evaluated in different ways. For the same act about Demi could say that it is difficult to get along with her, but about the Father - that he is just wonderful.

I feel that I owe something to do something, not to cause a scandal and attract attention, and so that such things stopped happening with other people,

- Rumer said.

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_1

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_2

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_3

The 30-year-old actress also complained that there was not such a big fortune to be a child of celebrities. She was in the center of attention and almost the diaper knew that she had a "square jaw and a head-potato." According to Rumemer, she hardly tolerated criticism and even tried to conquer the public approval - Hoody and dressed in sexual outfits.

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_4

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_5

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_6

Rumer Willis described double standards in Hollywood on the example of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis 30848_7

With sisters talluly and scout

Now she tries to be honest with himself and others, to give an example to others and love themselves as it is.

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