Lena Miro reported on pregnancy Ksenia Sobchak: "This is a fallow!"


In his blog, Miro dedicated to Ksenia a separate post, in which he appreciated the behavior of the TV presenter at the premiere of the film "Once ... in Hollywood." According to the scandalous blogger, she immediately became clear that Sobchak was pregnant. "This awkward arrival. Careful movements. Clothing hiding a figure floating in the waist. And, most importantly, the gesture that the future mother protects the belly - yes, it will take. The month is the third-fourth, "Miro confidently declared confidently.

She offered two options for explaining pregnancy: that either 38-year-old Ksenia does not know how to protect, or did everything with the calculation of marriage. Both assumptions did not cause anything from the world, except for rejection, and blogger suggested commentators to stroll on this topic. Users to come to a single opinion could not: Some counted that Sobchak is too calculated for random pregnancy, others thought that the matter is in sincere love.

We will remind, the TV presenter is already educating the two-year-old son Plato from the former spouse Maxim Vitorgana, with whom divorced this spring.

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