Star "Riverdale" Lily Reynhart showed the fans of their twin


Reinhart published a frame from the film "Death and Life John F. Donovan" with Keith Harington in Instagram-Stories. On him, the hero talks with the actress, which was very easy to confuse with Lily, even herself. "I saw this post on a page with trends and thought: that's what, I?!" - The star was surprised.


Fans quickly figured out that Reynhart did not have an attack of Amnesia, and the Canadian actress Sara Gadon played in the film "Games of Thrones", which viewers can know in the third season of the series "This Detective". She is over a few years older than Lily and looks like it only under a certain angle, which is easy to make sure the help of photographs from red carpet tracks.





In addition, professional and everyday life does not boil by such passions that Rainhart pursue the last weeks. Recently, the actress again joked about the controversial parting with Cole as a conversation with journalists: "Sources say that he is now alone - is it true?" Two weeks earlier in Twitter Account, she advised fans not to believe everything that they write on the Internet, and the news sources were not so vile.

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