From passion to obsession: What do different zodiac signs feel when they are in love


For Aries, love is something like a forest fire. Bold Aries are not afraid of adventures and are ready for large-scale, dramatic gestures, so, even if they are barely familiar with the object of their love, it does not have much importance for them. Aries is not going to wait until the object of his sympathy takes the first step. In love, Aries are insatiable - the feeling that they really "burn" from their bright feelings.

For Taurles, love is a kind of test, test on trust. Tales - people are very strong, solid, they very much appreciate their love and do not distribute their feelings to the right and left; The love of the Taurus must earn, earn. The calves feel very deeply, but their love is usually deep inside, their strong feelings are preferred to hide.

For twins, love is never stopping a mystery. Let the twins are sociable and love people, in life they rely more on their mind than their feelings. Therefore, it is not surprising that the twins lovers do not know what to expect, and confuse in their own feelings. On the one hand, the twins very much like a surprise element, then the feeling of admiration that love brings them, on the other hand, love knocks them off. But at least, the twins in love will definitely never suffer from boredom.

For cancer, love is a very comfortable feeling. Cancers are more than other signs of the zodiac are able to experience love, be it love for house, friends, family. Emotions - a guiding star of cancers in almost any field of activity, therefore, finding love, raks are not afraid of her, on the contrary, "bathe" in this warm feeling. For cancer, love is felt like something like a warm blanket in a cool evening.

For Lion, love is a all-consuming feeling. Love lions sometimes become literally obsessed with a person who caused such feelings: Lions constantly think about the object of their passion, even if he is right in front of them.

For the Virgin Love is something very personal. Virgin is a tendency to excessive thinking and situation, and their feelings, sometimes overly critical in relation to themselves. Yes, the virgin can experience that the most sensation of "butterflies in the stomach", when the object of their love is located next to them, but with a much more likelihood of the Virgin let go of a sarcastic comment, rather hug a loved one or demonstrate their feelings in some other more traditional way. The thing is that the Virgin is afraid - they think that if they allow themselves to "dive" in love "with a head", then in the end everything will lose everything.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac instinctively strive to balance, and the more interesting that it is love that deprives them of this feeling of balance. Lovers scales express their feelings constantly - through body language, caring actions, touch, but at the same time feel not in their plate - as if their heart no longer belongs.

The love of Scorpion is so strong that it is capable of destroying any walls and fortifications erected by scorpions to protect their hearts. If scorpion loves, then it makes it fearlessly, he loves himself strongly and deeply - which ultimately often leads to the development of proprietary feelings.

Love makes Sagittarius open something new in herself. Sagittries are very bright, cheerful, real enthusiasts. Sagittarius constantly feel the passion for life, and when they are in love, this passion is proud. The greatest happiness of Sagittarius feel when they please their loved one.

For responsible Capricors, love is a serious mission that never ends. In love with the Capricors feel responsible for ensuring that these relationships work and are not over the rupture. If you love Capricorps, then by default it is believed that this love will never end - and do everything that in their power so that it really was so. Capricorn needs to remember that the responsibility for the relationship is always on both, and not only on them.

Love is cautioned by the surprise. Aquarius strive to save the world, to make it better, and their own in humanitarian works sometimes forget about themselves and about their heart. Usually love overtakes the aquaev when they are not looking for it and do not think about it at all. Valentine's lovers literally spin the head: the world seems to them quite new, fresh and not as before.

Fish - people who feel very deeply, constantly thinking and care about others. Fish lovers dedicate themselves to the object of their love; For them, however, this is not a cargo - but, on the contrary, happiness, fish, falling in love, rejoice that they are finally someone understands whole.

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