Andy Serkis will remove the sequel "Votom"


In his Instagram account, Andy Serkis published a photo on which he holds a comic book about the veins. In the description, the director wrote: "This is true. I feel that symbiot found a carrier in me, so I am ready for an exciting trip. I can not wait! Are you ready, Tom Hardy? "

At the moment, it is known that in the continuation of "Vomot" to the Hardy must join Woody Harrelson, who will play Cassidy cells, a symbiot carrier named Karnaz. Recall his hero spectators were shown in the post-titt stage of the first kinokomix. Lee will be returned to Michel Williams (Ann) and Raid Scott (Dan) is still unknown.

In the struggle for the director's chair of the expected project, Andy Serkis bypassed the creator of the "BAMBBI" Trevis Knight and the director of the "Rebellion of the Planet Monkeys" Rupert Sanders. For Serkis "Venom 2" will be the second picture, which he will put on his own. Previously, the actor has already directed a melodrama "I breathe for us for 2017 and Fantasy" Mowgli "2018. However, more attention is expected to filmomix about the vein, since the original film with the whole criticism to the plot and the chart collected more than $ 800 million in the world.

Andy Serkis will remove the sequel

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