"It will be cool": The creator of the "supernatural" Eric Kripka approved how the series ended


Executive producer "Supernatural" Robert Singer in a new interview with Cinemablend revealed that Eric Crypt was not just one of the first learned how the series ended - but also gave his "print approval" to producers. At the same time, no participation in the "brainstorming" crypt, who said goodbye to the "supernatural" after the 5th season, did not accept:

"We, in fact, did not consult with Eric," Singer admits. - He left the series for a very long time, now everything is completely different. I know that Jensen discussed with Eric's idea of ​​the ending, because Jensen was not confident in her, and we talked with Eric, and Eric said: "Oh, it will be cool! Are you crazy? " So in some sense, "print approval" from Eric we have. "

Recall, Eric Kripka, initially created the "supernatural", decided to leave the series after the 5th season ending with Cliffheger. In the final Sam turned out to be trapped in hell, and Dean reunited with Liza to lead a calm and happy "normal" life, but at the very end spectators showed Sam, some miraculously who had chosen from hell and watching Lisa's home. If, as once was supposed, it would be the final of the entire series, full satisfaction from the ending spectators would, of course, did not get - it would be left at least some sensation of peace and hope.

Now it is completely incomprehensible, what will the ending of the series be - either in the style of the last season Eric Kripk (since he approved the ending), or completely different. In any case, we will find out this not earlier than 2020: Recall, the 15th and last season of the "supernatural" returns on the air on October 10, 2019 and will have 20 episodes, that is, will end in spring 2020.

Supernatural panel on Comic-CON 2019:

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