Kevin Faigi Against: from the "Black Widow" with Scarlett Johansson will not be an "adult" rating


"It was not even planned. Someone wrote that he heard about the high ranking of the film, and the rest immediately picked up, "said Faygi. He stressed that all conversations about Rating R not more than rumors that were not and will not be true. At the moment, it is known only about the release of films "Avengers: Final" and "Spiderman: away from home", so the next statement of the Marvel president touched the announcement of other studio projects: "We have no installation to shoot more than two films per year. As in the last couple of years, if everything happens by itself, we have an idea, and the team is ready for work, we will not refuse the opportunity. "

The "black widow" has no official release date, but it is expected that the film will be released in 2020. Skarlett Johansson will return to the image of Natasha Romanooff. According to the Hollywood Reporter edition, the film will tell about the last heroine when she was still a Russian spy. The director's chair should take the director of Berlin Syndrome Kate Shortland. The script will write the author of the "timer" Jacqueline Schaffer.

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