"Give her to be a child": Kim Kardashian was condemned for the "exploitation" of a 5-year-old daughter


"My most stylish and beautiful baby North starred for his first cover. She loves fashion and perfectly spends time, "Kardashian wrote under the post with his daughter photographs. Many subscribers supported the star family, but there were also dissatisfied. "It is so obvious that Kim wants to captivate his daughter fashion and beauty industry. There is no chance that North would be a scientist or a lawyer, because such professions will not make it rich, "wrote one of the users. "I am the only one who finds this situation sad? Just let the child stay a child, "the other complained. "You exploit your own child for money. Do not raise more children, if you can't raise them without destroying their childhood, "asked the third.

It is worth noting that the North itself in the photos looks satisfied and clearly enjoys the shooting. Some condemned Kardashyan for makeup on the face of the five-year-old daughter, while others noticed that many girls already in early childhood try to paint lips and nails, wear short tops and participate in photo shoots. Simply, unlike others, North was born in the Kardashyan family, so she since birth has to deal with constant attention and criticism from millions of people.

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