Lady Gaga on the Red Walkway "Oscar" entered the necklace from "Breakfast at Tiffany" for 30 million dollars


In addition to a unique gems in size in 128.54 carats, a platinum necklace decorate 16 diamonds of the cut "Kushon" and 46 round diamonds. Without a doubt, Lady Gaga, nominated for Oscar as the best actress for the role in the movie "Star Born", could not choose a better reason to "walk away" such an impressive jewelry - especially since on the red carpet, it turned out for the first time in all 141 Year from the moment Tiffany Diamond was generally discovered.

Lady Gaga on the Red Walkway

Lady Gaga on the Red Walkway

Note that from the moment Tiffany Diamond finding in 1877, it was only 3 times in South Africa. Firstly, the necklace with a diamond was put on Audrey Hepburn for advertising pictures for the film "Breakfast at Tiffany" in 1961. Then in 1995, the diamond gained a second life in the form of a spectacular brooches created by Jean Schlumberger. And finally, in 2012, the gemstone was inlaid in a breathtaking necklace that we saw on the neck of Lady Gaga. By the way, the cost of this incredible decoration is currently estimated at $ 30 million.

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Recall that Oscar's award ceremony 2019 held at night. Despite the fact that Gaga did not get a reward in the nomination "Best Actress" - Olivia Colman took it for the "favorite", - with empty hands "Mom Monsters" did not leave. She got a gold statuette for the song Shallow from the music drama "Star Born."

Lady Gaga on the Red Walkway

Lady Gaga on the Red Walkway

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