LEGO GROUP presents a series of Lego® Hidden Side ™ sets with advanced reality capabilities


The LEGO Hidden Side line is designed for children from 7 years. For the first time it will be represented by the public at the international exhibition of toys in New York (American International Toy Fair), which takes place from February 16 to 19.

The LEGO Hidden Side collection is represented by eight constructors, which include many interesting features and unexpected surprises. From the cubes of each set, the child can collect one of the objects of the "enchanted" city - for example, an old house or school bus. By themselves, these models, like all LEGO sets, interactive, their elements help children invent amazing plots for role-playing games. And thanks to the AR-application, the models "come to life": ghosts are inserted into them, new riddles and tasks for the child appear. Physical and virtual worlds complement each other and allow you to bring the game to a completely new level.

"The years of the development of physical and digital games showed us that children love to unite reality with a virtual world. We call such an experience "Fluid Game," says Tom Donaldon, Senior Vice President of the Creative Game Laboratory in the company LEGO GROUP. - The LEGO concept is based on the idea of ​​physical design, and it remains unchanged. But the AR function opens up new features for the game: adds to a set more action and controls. The most interesting thing is that the design still remains at the head of the angle: the child needs to move some part in the assembled model so that changes occur in the virtual world. Having created augmented reality, which is transformed due to changes in the physical world, we changed the idea of ​​games using AR technologies itself.

LEGO GROUP presents a series of Lego® Hidden Side ™ sets with advanced reality capabilities 31259_1

The main experience of the design of LEGO

New sets combine all that children love in LEGO, - exciting assembly, high-quality detail, moving elements, a unique collection of minifigurok and its own gaming universe. From the cubes of each set you can collect both the usual building and its mystical version.

Truly augmented game

The application of augmented reality offers children to play on behalf of one of the main heroes of the story - Jack or Parker. With the help of a smartphone, the child will explore Newberry, the hometown of the characters, and solve his paranormal riddles. In order for the collected constructors "came to life", it is enough to bring the smartphone camera on them - instructions and tasks will appear on the screen. Children need to interact with various elements of the designer, which will high up virtual ghosts. And then these ghosts can "catch" using the application and remove the curse. This creates a dynamic game, during which the child is present simultaneously in physical and in virtual worlds.

"We have developed LEGO Hidden Side so that manipulations with the real designer affect what is happening in a smartphone in a child. At the same time, a supplemented reality encourages the study of the designer and its functions. All this in the root transforms the gaming experience, "Tom Donaldon adds.

After launching the application will continue to develop and replenish new ghosts, games, riddles and opportunities for an arbitrary game. Thanks to this, the same set will constantly change and offer children new plots and adventures. In addition to the functions of augmented reality, the Lego Hidden Side application has several digital games in which you can play independently of the designers.

Tom Donaldon comments: "We try to use the best development in the field of mobile games to make the design even more attractive for children and inspire each child to be constantly returning to the already collected model and check that it has appeared in it. Thanks to the thoughtful integration of the technologies of augmented reality in LEGO sets, we create a really innovative game - "Fluid Game", which is constantly changing. "

LEGO Hidden Side sets will be available worldwide at the end of the summer of 2019. The Lego Hidden Side application will be available free of charge at App Store and Google Play.

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