Star "Friends" Courtney Cox opened, at what age the virginity lost (spoiler: much later than you thought)


The 54-year-old actress recently visited the James Cordon show and on the occasion of the day of all lovers shared with fans of the spicy details of their personal life:

"Probably, I should not talk about it, but I kept virginity until 21 years. And proud of it. For a long time I met with one guy, and somehow my mother said what he was thinking that he was needed. "

"She bought me underwear to me that I felt feminine. I remember it was called Olga and it was all in lace. But in any case, it turned out to be better than what was then on me, "Courtney told. The leading could not find out if she put on her lace underwear in his "first time," what Coke responded in the affirmative.

Story, what is called, first-hand:

It seems that the chastity is the main "chip" actresses from the series "Friends". Lisa Kudrou somehow confessed that he lost virginity in the first wedding night, at that time actress was 31 years old. So that the theory is confirmed, it remains to wait when Jennifer Aniston appears to the world of his story about the "first time."

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