The full-length continuation "in all grave" will be released on Netflix


A few years ago, the episodes of the show "In all serious" appeared on the Netflix stream platform, and now she received the right to first show the audience to continue history. The AMS channel did not explain the reasons for such a decision, however, in 2013, the director Vince Gilligan admitted the contribution of the service in a letter of thanks on the AMMI premium: "I suppose Netflix held us on the air. I do not think that otherwise our show would hold more than two seasons. This is a new era of television, and we reaping her fruit. " When the film premiere will be held, what he will tell, and who will definitely play it, is still unknown.

Thanks to New Mexico Film Office, it became known that the project's shooting will begin this year in New Mexico City Code name "Greenbrier". The release of Revenge of The Fans last month reported that the film will be dedicated to Jesse Pinkman, who will try to escape from prison. Brian Cranston confirmed that he would make a company to Colleague Aaron Semi, but did not reveal what exactly the quality. Vince Gilligan will be engaged with script and director.

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