Armor Hummer starred in a photo shoot for Martov GQ


On the shooting of a photoset for GQ, the armor Hummer grunted under the rays of the California Sun, plunged into the pool and tried out several stylish images. He decided to talk about how his family and origin influenced his acting career: "There are white people who enjoy the privileges of white people. It would be foolish for me to sit here and declare that it does not have anything to me. I understand: such guys like me, a lot got from the like me. Even if the skin privileges take place in my life, I try to work on it. "

Armor Hummer starred in a photo shoot for Martov GQ 31326_1

Armor Hummer starred in a photo shoot for Martov GQ 31326_2

Favorite sports costumes of Hammer got a separate cover

Hummer also told about how the choice did not rely on the wealth of his family: "I had a conversation with myself: I could be such a person or to go my own way. I chose the second. It was not about the break of relationships with my parents, only about strengthening my own me. "

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Armor Hummer starred in a photo shoot for Martov GQ 31326_4

Armor Hummer starred in a photo shoot for Martov GQ 31326_5

The GQ Editor Jonathan Hif finished an interview with a conversation about the recent Twitter scandal associated with the death of Stan Lee. Then the army spoke quite sharply about the stars, who honored the memory of the Marvel legend joint Selfie with Lee, but does not regret it. "Let me clarify the situation: I do not feel guilty of those who I supposedly offended because they used the fake grief on Stan Lee as self-advertising," the actor said.

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