Williness collects all stars: Josh Brolin joined the "Dune" with Timothy Shalam


Josh Brolin will make a company Timothy Shalama and perform the role of Gurney Hallemar, the head of the Armed Forces of the Atreydess Houses and the Paul Atreydess Mentor. Together with him, Rebecca Ferguson, Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Batista, Charlotte Rampling and Javier Bardem will play in the film. According to the Hollywood Report edition, negotiations with the creators are still operating Oscar Isak and Zendai Coleman. Star caste is impressive: from well-deserved actors to young celebrities. Nevertheless, some fans, he causes concerns that the screening of the cult science fiction novel Frank Herbert will turn into another passage blockbuster, in which stars are collecting to attract attention.

Before the release of the first trailers, the assumptions meaninglessly. Denis Vilnev Director has proven itself to be a good job. He developed a scenario together with Oscar Eric Rota ("Forrest Gump") and John Speats (Prometheus). Thr reported that the filming of the film will begin this spring, but the exact date of their start is still unknown. The dates of the premiere of the new "Dune" are the more not, however, experts believe that it was not worth waiting for 2021 to wait for the film.

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