Valentine's Day on popcornnews!


Test: Describe the perfect date, and we say, with what actor you better go to him

Tip from Beyonce: First, become friends!

"We are together since I was 20 years old. First, we were friends for a very long time - and formed an unreasonable connection "

Test: What movie you should look at this Valentine's Day

Tip from Emma Watson: Do not be afraid to take the first step!

"Somehow I myself invited a guy for dinner. I chose a restaurant and even offered to pay for food! "

Test: Which British Star you would have a perfect date for Valentine's Day

Tip from George Clooney: Find the one who will mix you!

"For me, the most important thing is a sense of humor. This is the most attractive quality in man, the quality you notice the very first. Perhaps, at 21 it is not so important, but now the first to notice the sense of humor. "

Test: Which of the superheroes would become your perfect guy

Tip from Aaron Paul: Do not swear, but communicate!

"People quarrel because they do not speak. My wife and I will never quarrel and do not argue - we are discussing the problem. We are talking".

Test: Which of the Harry Potter heroes is your ideal Valentine

Tip from Meryl Strip: Listen!

"You need to talk about all the problems that they appear - even the smallest. You need to learn to listen to the advice of your partner, to what he says, and accept for himself that you are not always right. "

Test: Which of the heroes of the Supernatural is perfectly suitable for you

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