The series "Double" closed after 2 seasons on the air


Deadline reported that the MRC studio was looking for other platforms that could redeem the rights to the series and continue shooting, but no wishing to be. The channel himself initially planned to order only two seasons and for the absence of other buyers decided to close the "twin" after the premiere of the final episode, which will be held at this Sunday, February 17.

Starz President Karmi Zlood in his comments Deadline said: "Justin Marx (Writer), J.K. Simmons, the entire cast and the film crew created a wonderful series. For us it was an honor to work with such a team for two seasons and embody such an interesting story on the screen. "

The plot of the "Double" introduces the audience with the Howard Silk, working for a large, influential organization in which it is no more than, the screw in the system. His life and place in the world are cool change when he learns that his agency protects the transition to a parallel dimension. In an alternative world, Howard meets his twin, which, unlike him, serves as intelligence.

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