Deniz Richards told about the serious genetic disease of the receptional daughter


Deniz Richards raises two native children born in marriage with Charlie Tire: 13-year-old lol Rose and14-year-old Sam Jay. In 2011, the actress fulfilled the newborn Eloise Joni, but when the baby was one and a half years old, the star began to notice oddities in her behavior. "For a long time, she could not sit on his own, began to crawl only at 15 months, and walk - in two years. Then we began to drive it into physiotherapy, "Richards shared with People.

At five years, doctors diagnosed in the child with a recombinant chromosome syndrome 8 (or San Luis Valley syndrome). This is a genetic disease that leads to violations in the development, heart defects, a cranial-facial demorphism, hyperactivity, problems with speech and not only. Many of these symptoms manifested themselves in Eloisa. "She can only say a few words. I do not know if she will ever talk like an ordinary child. There are periods when it corresponds to the level of emotional development of peers, but then again rolls to the level of a three-year-old baby. It's complicated. I study to interact with her every day. Unfortunately, doctors have no forecasts about its future, "Denise told.

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