Photo: What do Doublers look like Kristen Stewart, Margo Robbie, Robert Pattinson and other stars


The director "Mission Impossible" Christopher Mcquorry said not so long ago, instead of the failed nomination, the "best blockbuster" "Oscar" would be good to give off the cascaderators - they say, deserve this recognition in a much greater degree (and Mcquorry, personally watching dizzy The tricks of cascaders on the set "Mission is impossible", really knows what he says). The heroes of our selection of notorious recognition have been deserved for a long time, because in Hollywood they work for years, "covering your back" with their star colleagues. We look at what Doubleers of Hollywood celebrities look like, as they say, "in conditions close to combat":

Alexander Skarsgard and his dubler in the series "Real Blood" - also a handsome

In the film "Tarzan"

This is how Brad Pitt's doubles looks like (on the set of Sicvel "Wars of Worlds Z" by these two to work together, it seems that the shooting of the film David Fincher was still canceled)

Bruce Willis has two doubles at once - just in case. The main thing is that Lysin has the same one.

Bryce Dallas Howard with a double on the set of "Peace of Jurassic" - ahead of the actress waiting for a return to the third part of the franchise

Katrina Balf and her dubler from the series "Stranger"

Even Carlo in the "walking dead" needed a dubler

Chris Prett and his dubler from the "Guardians of the Galaxy" (Dance Prett in the final "Dance Buttle" himself - we will pay tribute to him)

Chris Hemsworth and his dubler with a terrible make-up on the set "Thor: Ragnaret"

Colin Firth with a doublet on the shooting of Kingsman - it is a dubler we owe a completely shielded dynamic scene of fights in the church, and another question would have managed to repeat the same Kolin Firth with all his talents

Dubler Even in Drax / Dave Batista, although the former wrestler would seem, and he himself could cope with all the tricks

Johnny Depp and his almost indistinguishable colleague pirate, who once again try the costume of Jack Sparrow no longer shines - a franchise, we will recall, going to restart now with the heroine-woman

Duane Johnson with a double on the filming of the film "Blood and then: Anabolics"

Elja Wood on the set "The Lord of the Rings"

Emma Watson on the set of the Harry Potter finals surrounded by other Hermione. The question is why they are so much that remains open.

Stars "Games of the Thrones" Gwendolin Christie and Rory McCann with Dubler (yes, Gwendoline Dubler is a man, and this is quite logical, if you consider what dizzying scenes Drak Scripts regularly provide Baryna Tart)

Now former Wolverine Hugh Jackman with a double

Which of the two nebul is Karen Gillan, and who is a double, so immediately and do not understand thanks to the most complicated makeup

Kate Winslet and her doublers on the set of "Titanic"

Ken Scott and his double on the filming of "Hobbit"

Kristen Stewart with a double (all scenes in the surviving "Personal Customer" Star "Twilight", by the way, boldly played herself, without resorting to the help of the "body" -blaner)

Which of these two Gerard Butler, and who is a double, so immediately and you will not understand

Lea Seidu with a double on the set "007: Spectrum" (so far it is not known whether it will return with the already confirmed his return seer to Bond 25)

Tom Hiddleston and his dubler in the form of Loki

Margo Robbie and her dublersh in the role of Harley Queen from the "suicide squad". Most recently, we will remind, Robbie returned to this role on the set of "birds of prey"

Mark Walberg and his doubleler from Transformers

Megan Fox with a double on the set of "Ninja Turtles"

Melissa McCarthy on the set of "ghost hunters"

Michael Douglas and his dubler from the "Ants Man"

Michael Jay Fox and three extra Marty

Doubles Robert Pattinson

Rupert Grint and his dubler on the filming of the last "Harry Potter"

Sheilly Woodli with his bullshit from "Divergent"

Schaya Labufu without a double, too, no way

Double Taylor Lautner with trailer shooting (2015)

Zac Efron with a double on the set of comedy "Grandfather of Easy Behavior"

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