What children do you bring up - depending on your zodiac sign


What children do you bring up - depending on your zodiac sign 31399_1

Your children will be full of life, energetic and will not be afraid to tell people the truth straight into the eyes. Most likely, they will be sporty or simply active. You will teach your children not just to dream, but not be afraid to make attempts to embody dreams in life, regardless of how large-scale or not realizable they seem to others.


Your children will be straightforward by professional shops - you teach them competently use promotions, look for the most profitable offers and discounts. You teach your children the most practical way to make purchases - because why buy at full value now, if you can wait two weeks and get a discount of 20%? The calves know perfectly well that each ruble is important, and they will teach their children.


Twins kids grow up comprehensively developed, because they delight will use every opportunity to get so much knowledge about the world as possible. And it does not matter, under what the zodiac sign your children will be called - it is you who will teach them how to communicate. Your children will learn about other cultures, how the world is arranged, and will be happy to communicate with everyone who meets on their way, because they will take an example with you, Gemini.


Children of crayfish will be very kind, caring, since childhood will pay special attention to the feelings of others. Like you, your children will appreciate emotional openness and healthy relationships with other people. They will be the basis of their social circle, supporting for their friends, will always find a minute in order to listen to another person. Cancers will grow children who care more about others than about themselves.

a lion

Lions create at home an amazing atmosphere of love - for the child it is very important to feel like loved ones, and no one will love their children as the parents of the lions. Like Aries, Lions will teach their children to stand up for themselves and for what they believe. In addition, lions from an early age will instill their children awareness of how important it is to be active - whether there will be dance lessons in 5 years or athletics classes in 17. The children of Lviv grow very polite, talented and, that is especially useful, possess very A realistic look at the world in which they grow.


Children who raise the parents of the Virgin, grow careful, logical, love to plan each of their step before making the final decision or come to the final conclusion. "Slowly, but confidently" is just about children's children, especially when the case will concern some truly important life decisions. Children who are brought up by Mom or Pope Virgin are the most reliable people, regardless of their own sign of the zodiac, and others will always be able to rely on them.


Scales will bring up children who will not be afraid to fight school hooligans and stand up for weak. Scales from an early age will teach children that the world is not always fair, but to fix it - in the forces of each person. Scales will teach their children to how to behave in justice, to evaluate and take into account all the points of view - and at the same time that some one side is not worth choosing.


Like other signs of water, scorpions perceive the tasks of raising children very seriously. Children raised by scorpions are guaranteed to get the title of "employee of the month", because the parents of scorpions since childhood instill their offspring discipline and the concept of the word "need". Of these, there are quite rigorous parents who teach their children to follow the rules, perform homework, helping the farm. Sometimes even comes to the fact that the parent Scorpio distributes how much time the child is allowed to watch TV, play on a computer or walk with friends. Children of scorpions grow the most organized, since childhood able to competently distribute their time and very reliable people - real professionals.


Sagittarius teach his children to be optimistic, with interest to relate to the world, love adventures. Sagittarius is one of the most funny zodiac parents and, no matter how the sign of the zodiac, their children did not differ, regardless of the circumstances, the Parents of Sagittari are always able to embrace, cheer their child. Sagittarius is the most positive fire sign, and the children are lucky that their dad or mom is the Sagittarius.


Children raised by Capricorn parents are practically guaranteed to be successful. From childhood, the Capricorns will teach their children everything that you need to know how to succeed: such parents have very practical, hardworking, and at the same time creatively thinking. Most likely, with his desire to succeed in any sphere, your children will go exactly in you, Capricorn.


Just like scales, parents of aquarity will teach their children to fight life injustice. However, unlike weights, aquarius on successes or failures of their child will react less calmly, but they will always be ready to stretch the hand to help. From early childhood, your child will know what to help the suffering is much more pleasant than getting the Gift Mountains for the New Year. Children of Aquarius will help others and readily share with others - whether toys, their time and attention.


Like other marks of water, the parents of the fish teach children carefully to feel the feelings of others. Since childhood, fish will teach their children to the fact that we do not always know what is happening in life from another person and because of what he can be sad, irritated, in need of help. In his own example, the fish will teach their children, how to truly good, kind and attentive to other people.

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