People in someone else's phone Lady Gaga became a meme in social networks


Nothing will take away from the attentive views of Twitter users. It was they who posted a passage to the network from broadcasting reception in honor of the nominees for the Oscar. In a semisecond video, you can see that while Rami Malek is caused to the stage, the star sticks his eyes to the phone in the hands of the director of documentaries Ramsel Ross. Users are convinced, and on video it is really noticeable, - Gaga looks exactly in someone else's smartphone, and not just looks away.

One glance was enough to twitter immediately flooded a variety of jokes in style: "I, when my boyfriend sends someone's messages" or "This guy writes to his friends, which stands next to Lady Gaga." There were those who tried to explain the behavior of the star with logical arguments: "Most likely, she simply noted that he was buried into the phone while the scene was called other nominees," Lady Gaga, probably, thought, who at all at such a moment would climb Smartphone? " Already on February 24, the director will not be corresponding, because Ross is nominated for Oscar for the documentary "Hale District in the morning and in the evening", and Lady Gaga will compete for the golden statuette in the nominations "Best Women's Role" and "Best Song".

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