Officially: Films about Dadpool after the transaction Disney and Fox will continue to shoot with an adult rating


Disney has long earned the image of the studio, producing movies for the whole family and carefully follows their entertainment content. Of course, the deal between Disney and Fox could not do not force the fans of "Deadpool" to recover, because all MARVEL films, to whom Waid Wilson will soon join, come out exclusively with the PG-13 rating. However, Bob Aiger hurried to calm fans and assured that the studio would solve the question with a content for an adult audience. "We will continue to develop such projects, because such types of films are definitely popular," the executive director said. It would not be used: Dadpool 2 cash collections amounted to $ 784 million at a budget in 110.

"Decent" version of "Deadpool 2" looked like this:

According to Aiger, the studio will be concerned that movies with Rating R not under the traditional disney and marvel logo. As expected earlier, a separate brand will be created in order not to confuse the audience. In this case, it becomes obvious that the crossover between "Deadpool" and "Avengers" most likely will not be, because it is simply impossible to force the chatty mercenary to "follow the tongue". The ratings and fees of the film "Looked, Dadpool" proved that the overwhelming majority of the audience do not want to see the "decent" version of the character.

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