The star Kigsman Taron Edgerton returned to the former girl 3 months after parting


The Dunhill Bourdon House Hotel in London arrived together and went to the red carpet path under the arm, do not hesitate to show feelings to each other. Edgerton put on a classic suit with a butterfly, Thomas preferred a black silk dress in the floor. Throughout the evening, Taron and Emily laughed, talked and did not move away from each other.

The star Kigsman Taron Edgerton returned to the former girl 3 months after parting 31435_1

The star Kigsman Taron Edgerton returned to the former girl 3 months after parting 31435_2

The star Kigsman Taron Edgerton returned to the former girl 3 months after parting 31435_3

Just three months ago, in one of the interview, the actor admitted that they broke up with the beloved, and after the end of the filming in the film "Rocketman", he shaved sleep: "I found it quite liberating. I only finished work on the picture about Elton John and broke up with a girl, so I wanted to transform. " Then Taron also added to refrain from dates, but, as can be seen, they decided to give their relationship with Emily.

Last year for Ezgerton was full of failures and failures: she ruined a two-year relationship with a girl, and the projects on which high hopes were entrusted, fell with a crash. However, 2019 began not bad, and on May 16, a promising Baiopic will be released on the screens about the life of the legendary Elton John Rocketman, in which Taron fulfilled the main role.

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