Nostalgia: the stars of "weddings of the best friend" reunited in a photo shoot of 22 years later


Romomk's stars posing in chic outfits - on Julia Roberts Snow-touch fitted costume, Cameron Diaz is riveted in a magnificent sunlet dress. From Mallunion and Everett, although pretty aged, too hard to take a look. Judging by the happy persons of the actors, they themselves were very pleased with the unexpected reunion and were happy to betray memories about the shooting.

Roberts remembered the most articulous moment in the film: "The scene in the most heartfelt and sincerely seemed to me in which I finally speak the hero of Dermota:" Choose me. Let me make you happy. " Only one phrase, but so tender and meaningful. "

And Diaz told about the worst scene from the film, yes - yes, exactly where she had to sing for his groom: "I was horrified from this scene. Fear of singing in front of people lived in me, I just wanted to escape and hide somewhere. "

Recall that the plot of Romoma was built around the heroine of Julia Roberts Giulianna, who many years ago concluded a contract with his best friend Michael: they will marry if they do not find up to 28 years of their halves. And then the day comes when Michael invites her to his wedding, but Julian suddenly realizes that he loves him very much. Then, having enlisted with the support of a friend (Rupert Everett), she takes an invitation, but only one goal - to prevent Michael to marry Kimmy (Cameron Diaz).

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