"I wanted to devote myself to God": Justin Bieber told that the year did not have sex before the wedding


Some newlyweds wedding photo session leads an inexpensive photographer found inexpensive, and Justin and Heili did Anni Leibovitz. And if the ordinary people have wedding photographs decorate an apartment, then the new stellar spouses - the cover of Vogue. The fact that the publication is going to publish an exclusive photo session with Justin and Haley was known for a long time - when there were no confirmations of the very fact of marriage of two stars, the omnipresent paparazzi managed to docume the process of filming the photo shoot in December 2018.

In addition to the photo shoot, in Vogue printed an extensive interview with the star couple, abounding with the pearls of Justin's comments like that he did not have sex, observing the celibacy before the wedding:

"God does not call us not to have sex, because he wants us to keep his rules. With this appeal, he tries to protect us from pain. It seems to me that sex can cause a lot of pain. Sometimes people are engaged in sex, because they are bad. Because they need to prove themselves that they are desirable. Girls do it, and guys too. I wanted to re-dedicate myself to God in this regard, because I felt that it would be better for my soul. And I believe that thanks to this, God blessed me Haley. There are advantages. You are rewarded for good behavior. "

Justin's husband and wife, Justin and Haley became less than half a year ago, but had already made sure that marriage was very difficult, and go to a family psychologist:

"The fact is that marriage is very difficult," Heili admits in a conversation with Vogue journalists. - You should start with this offer. This is damn difficult. "

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