All the Shailo daughter: Paparazzi captured Brad Pitt with a new hairstyle


Paparazzi found the Hollywood actor Brad Pitt in Parking in Beverly Hills after a six-hour business meeting. The pictures mined by journalists show that the star of the film "Once in Hollywood" decided to return to his favorite image from youth.

On frames it can be seen how Brad comes out of the building and goes to his car with a large bag and phototechnics in his hands. He asks for parking workers to help him upload things into the car, but also actively participates in it.

All the Shailo daughter: Paparazzi captured Brad Pitt with a new hairstyle 31496_1

Pitt dressed in casual clothes: torn jeans, black sweater over white T-shirt, khaki color jacket and white sneakers. It can be seen that the actor repeated the hair again: they were collected in the tail. He often wore such hairstyle in his youth. Long-haired it can be seen, for example, in the films "Interview with the Vampire", "Troy" and "Autumn Legends".

By the way, the new image of Pitt reminds the bow of his daughter - 14-year-old Shailo Nouvele. Not so long ago, snapshots of a girl walking on a supermarket with a mother, Angelina Jolie. Many then noticed that the daughter of the actors began to look more feminine. Now the girl has long hair, although before that she only wore short haircuts. She also had pink "Girls" sneakers, although she usually went to male shoes.

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Shaily Jolie Pitt with four years old dressed and behaved like a boy. She was even going to change the floor in the future. Parents did not interfere with such a choice of her daughter, for which they were repeatedly criticized. Shailo Nouvele - the overall child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. In addition to her, the former couple has two more common children: daughter Vivien and Son Knox. They also brought up three adopted children: the sons of Maddox and Pax Tien and the daughter of Zahar.

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