Kayley Coco told, what to expect from the second season of "flight attendants"


The first season of the "flight attendants" became a real hit HBO MAX and brought Keili Coco to the first nomination for the Golden Globe. It is not surprising that such a warm reception of viewers led to the fact that work on new episodes is being done right now. And the actress, who played the flight capacity associated with the mysterious murder, has already told what to expect from the continuation of the show.

The first thing Coco noticed that it was not going to turn into a spy at all. The fact is that in the final of the first season, it turned out that a friend and colleague of the main character of Shane Evans (Griffin Matthews) all the time worked for the CIA and was not averse to bring to cooperation and Cassie itself (Coo). The actress stated that this storyline would definitely receive a continuation, but emphasized that it would not allow the series to turn the series to Spy Triller.

As it turned out, the leitmotif of the second season Kayley plans to make the struggle of his character for a sober life. So far, the audience was observed as Cassie fighting with alcoholism, trying to take the situation under control, because it realizes that her world collapses. And in the final she even decided to finally quit drinking.

"She thinks it will be quick and easy. And she will very soon understand that this is a lifelong problem that cannot be cured overnight. She always had an excuse for alcohol, no matter what situation she falls. And she is kind of descended from her hands. So how will she now justify their failures? " - stated the actress.

By the way, Coco as a producer of the series decided to completely cut an important storyline, which is in the original novel of Chris Bochdzhalyan. There, Cassie came to sobriety, when it turned out that she was pregnant, but Kaylee clearly declares that this will not be in her show. The release date of the second-season "Forepiders" is still unknown.

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