Evan Rachel Wood frankly told about treatment in a mental hospital after a suicide attempt


Evan frankly told that 9 years ago tried to deprive himself in life, and after an unsuccessful suicide attempt took a conscious decision to ask for help and go to a psychiatric hospital.

"I, of course, is not a specialist in mental health, but I can tell my story. When I was 22, I got into a psychiatric clinic and I'm not at all ascending this. Now I can say that it was the most terrible and at the same time the best thing that happened to me in life. It was the morning ... it seemed to me that a truck moved me. Then with some hysterical adoption I raised the phone. It was the moment when I realized that I had to call for the rescue, "says the actress. On the wire there was her mother, and Evan asked to send it to the clinic. "When I said that I needed to the hospital, I did not mean any physically damage, I needed psychological help," she adds.

About the detailed reasons that led her to such a state, the actress did not tell, but admitted that many years suffered from post-traumatic syndrome.

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