The series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" will be much shorter than expected


Before the premiere of "Sokol and the Winter Soldier" remains less than a month, and since this show will be the second in the Marvel line on Disney +, its comparison with "Vanda / Vizhnom" is inevitable. And certain differences outlined now - they relate to the duration of the series.

Initially, it was assumed that "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" will also consist of ten half-hour episodes, but during a recent speech before the Association of Television Critics, Kevin Faigi confirmed that the show includes only six episodes, and so it happened due to insufficient funding. Marvel director stressed that the episodes of "non-sneakers", and therefore the reduction of their number was a logical and deliberate step.

Earlier, the star of the series Anthony Maki has already stated that the budget of "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" is "hundreds of millions of dollars", and therefore, the words have not become big news. But the actor also noted that it was not only in the budget. "Six hours is what we chose as the best way to tell our story," he stressed.

It is still not clear what the duration of the Disney + show can become a gold standard, because and "Wanda / Vizhn", and "Mandalorets" after the first episodes caused not a completely unequivocal reaction, even then became real hits. It can be assumed that six longer, but high-quality episodes with deep immersion in the plot will help the project to immediately issue the best indicators. In addition, you should not forget that Maks, Sebastian Stan and other actors are busy in other films and MARVEL TV shows, and therefore the smaller production duration went to their graphics only.

We will remind, the premiere of "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" is scheduled for March 19.

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