Jenis from "Friends" revealed the origin of his famous laughter


The actress told the leading Radoshou that he was inspired by three characters, each of which had their own unique manner laugh. "In the series" Welcome back, Kotter "was a character Arnold Horshak, who had such a funny rippled laughter. I also grew up on the "flipper", this is a terrific animated series about the dolphin. So I can say that Jenis's laughter is a combination of laughter Arnold Horshak, Flipper and Dyatla Woody, "Wieler admitted with a laugh. She also noted that he was talking about it before the interview, because the couple of his friends, because before no one was particularly interested in the origin of her laughter.

Maggie remembered that her brand laughter appeared because of Matthew Perry, who played in the series of her former Guard Chandler. "This laughter was a kind of" saving circle ", because Matthew is very funny, and I needed to work with him, knowing that he would definitely try to make me. I understood that if Jenis could not laugh at the set at the right moment, I would have big problems. For this reason, this laughter and exists, "the actress admitted.

Let's enjoy a concentrated dose of Jenis:

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