Divorce with Jennifer Garner made Ben Affleck more interesting actor


In the new interview with The Hollywood Reporter Ben Affleck noted that the divorce with Jennifer Garner and other life tests helped him in acting.

"I am at this stage of life, where I have enough experience that helps me make my roles more interesting. You see, I'm not so good [as an actor] to invent a whole image from nothing. For me to work in a movie affects how much you lived, how many takeoffs and falls survived, do you have children, a divorce by the shoulders and many other things, "Affleck shared.

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The actor says that personal problems help him better depict "problematic" characters. "I became older, I had more significant personal experience, and I myself became more interesting to play. I began to pay attention to films about spoiled, problematic people. For example, I don't need to further study anything to play an alcoholic - I already knew it, "Ben noted.

Alcoholism and divorce with Garner are two interrelated things that are among the key in the life of Affale. According to the actor, the discord in relations with Jennifer began, including because of his addiction to drinking, which was aggravated as a deterioration in his wife's relationship.

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In an interview, Ben more than once with repentance spoke of parting with Jennifer, called a divorce with her "the greatest regret in life" and recognized that he feels guilty for his behavior.

However, now former spouses support friendships and together bring up three children. Insider told that Jennifer supported Bean after his recent parting with Nauna de Armaas.

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