"He saved Britney Life": Lawyer Jamie Spears stated that he was raised by a villain


Recently, the lawyer of Father Britney Spears Vivien L. Torin appeared on the air of Good Morning America, where he spoke in defense by Jamie Spears. She commented on the situation with the way Jamie continue to fulfill the role of his daughter's guardian, and noted that he contributed to the growth of Britney's welfare and defended the singer about those who tried to "use it."

"I understand that each story needs a villain. But here people were mistaken. This is a story about a loving and devoted father who saved his daughter from a dangerous situation. People hurt her and exploited her. Jamie Saved Britney Life, "said Vivien.

As for Britney's finance, Torin noted that in 2008, when Jamie became a guardian of a pop star, her condition was estimated at $ 2.8 million. But, according to a lawyer, thanks to Spears, the condition of Britney rose to 60 million.

"The assets of Britney managed ineptly, some of her surroundings used its vulnerability for enrichment," Vivienge noted.

Then Torin asked why the lawyer Britney says that she is afraid of his father and refuses to perform and engage in creativity, while he remains her guardian. Torin replied: "Jamie loves her daughter, and, as in any family, from time to time they have problems. But it does not cancel the love and support that they give each other. Britney knows that dad loves her and that she can contact him at any time, whether it is her guardian or not. " She also noted that Jamie spent a lot of time with his daughter in Louisiana at the beginning of the pandemic.

"In the 2020s, Britney communicated a lot with his father. At the beginning of the pandemic, they spent two weeks with his family in Louisiana, they went on business together, together worked and played in the garden, and every evening Jamie was preparing dinner, which the family enjoyed together. Then Britney did not ask his father to abandon guardianship and did not say anything like that, "Vivienge noted.

Then she was asked: "Why did Jamie do not leave the guardianship?" What Torin answered: "He remains Britney's guardian, because she loves her. And he wants better for her. "

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