Rumors: Wolverine "Mind" for the Changing Service Disney +


Very soon the right to "people of X" will return to the Marvel Studio, and the fate of Wolverine worries fans more than anyone. Many wondered what Kevin Faigi will do: "reboots" a cult mutant or tries to return Hugh Jackman? According to an anonymous source, Marvel will find on the role of Logan's new actor and will remove a separate series with him. It will be the largest project from those planned for other heroes of X-Men. And although this information is not confirmed, the insider assures that new mutants will not have anything in common with the characters of Bryan Singer films. His confidence is reinforced by the comments of the Rousseau brothers who have said once that they expect to rethink mutants in the filmmaker MCU.

Also remains unknown, what age rating will receive a series about Wolverine in case it is really removed. It is clear that it is not yet possible to get Hugh Jackman to this role will not succeed. In 2017, the actor firmly stated that after Logan "said goodbye to his character once and for all.

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