"Hipit on this topic": Raper Navai responded to accusations beaten in the club Stepankovskaya


Singer, the former participant of the Mobile Blonde Group Svetlana Stepankovskaya a few days ago, stated that in the Moscow club Secret Room was attacked by the companion of the famous Rapper Nawai Bakirov from the Hammali & Navai Duet. Especially for PEOPLETALK edition, the musician commented on what happened.

According to Rapper, the singer is now trying to glorify with the help of a fight, telling this story everywhere where only you can.

"Svetlana is now Hipit on this topic, refers to federal TV channels. I call me to comment, and we do not have anything to do with what happened, "says Navai.

As it turned out, Navai was in the club only when the fight was already approaching the end, and the guards were withdrawn visitors and participants. According to the musician, the collision lasted no more than 5 seconds, and the guards immediately began to help the Musician colleague, the rapper Hammali. The reasons for what has been recognized as Navai, he does not know.

Now, as the musician is counting, the police will be able to understand the incident and take all the necessary measures.

We will remind, Svetlana Stepankovskaya published on his page in Instagram series of portraits, on which her face is all in abrasions and bruises, and told that he was the victim of the Hammali & Navai companion attack at the Secret Room Club. According to the singer, the girl of rappers attacked her without visible reasons, but neither the guards nor the musicians themselves tried to stop the fight.

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