"Every day a new face from Alla": the photo is unrecognizable Pugacheva criticized for photoshop


On the fan page of Elizabeth Galkina in Instagram published a photo on which the Primaudonna is captured along with its children. The picture was made on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, and the Star Couple heirs were put on military pilots, jicked to the clothes of George ribbons and posed, giving honor and walking like soldiers.

For Liza and Harry, an elegant and incredibly young Alla Borisovna was chaired. It was a white polka dot dress, pulled on the waist with a wide belt, and white sports shoes, and red hair singer, as always, a lush mane fell on the shoulders.

However, Pugacheva fans did not immediately recognized the legendary singer in this young person. True fans admired the extracreated to youth artists, and some of the indignation called photoshop in a picture just awful.

"And who is this in the background?", "Dove the nightmare", "What is the girl behind the children?", "If it were not for hairstyle, then Alla Borisovna can not find out", "I don't understand anything every day a new face. Alla, if it is, of course, she is in the photo, "" Can't a woman of 70 years old look like it! " - Network users say.

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By the way, recent psychic and fortune teller Mila Abramovich stated that the Primadonna of the Russian stage had supernatural abilities, therefore, for many years, remains a popular singer. Perhaps this is partly and the secret of her eternal youth lies.

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