Drop Jennifer Lawrence, "Convertogate", naked man on stage and other confulas "Oscar"


Oscar's awards ceremony every year hosts "live" and therefore is not insured against all kinds of accidents and confusion. Preparing for Oscar 2019, we remember the most ridiculous confusion "Oscars", having entertained the audience of past years in the literal air.


Celebrated envelopes at Oscare 2017 are still fresh in our memory, but just in case we will remind. During the announcement of the winner in the main nomination, the "best film of the year", Warren Beatty opened the envelope and announced that Oscar gets "La La Landa" - and only a few minutes later it turned out that the envelopes were confused and "Oscar" for " The best film "In fact, got the" lunar light ".

It looked like this:

It turned out that the staff of PricewaterhouseCoopers, confused envelopes (Bitty, who came out to declare the best film, got the envelope with the name of the winner in the category "Best Actress", which Emma Stone became for "La La Land").

The best memories of this confusion will be meme with Ryan Gosling:

"I'll change the envelopes in the end of the envelopes"

Lawrence Olivier forgot to call nominees

Another confusion category "The best movie" survived in the distant 1985 thanks to Lawrence Olivier. The legend of the cinema, who came out to announce the winner in the category "The Best Film", was so lucky because of the ovations, which the audience awarded him, that I forgot to call the applicants for Oscar - and instead immediately announced the winner who was "amandards" immediately announced.

Video, as it was:

Naked man on the Oscar scene

Oscar 1974 will be forever will be remembered as a ceremony, during which a naked man ran onto the scene. It happened during the way the master of Oscar David Niven invited Elizabeth Taylor for the announcement of the winner in the "best film" category. Right during the speech of David, a naked man ran in the scene - it was a scandalous photographer Robert Opal, and the appearance of naked in public was not first for him. To Oscar, Robert appeared once naked at meetings of the Los Angeles City Council, protesting against the ban on exposure on urban beaches. Elizabeth Taylor, after all, released after this on the stage, joked: "It's difficult to surpass."

Video, as it was:

Torn winners

An interesting fact: long before the "La La Landa" and "Lunar Light", confusion with the confused winners was allowed on Oscar 1964 - the truth, in a much less important category. Sammy Davis Jr., representing the nominees at the reward for the best music for the film, first announced the winner of John Eddison's composer for the film "Tom Jones" - but after a few seconds I returned to the microphone and corrected, immediately explained that he was given not that envelope.

Video, as it was:

Stolen statuette

Drop Jennifer Lawrence,

In the early years, the existence of the Oscar premium at the ceremonies often took place. So, in 1938, a certain unknown man was one of the statues of Oscar. Initially, the statuette was to get to Alice Brady, who won an Oscar as the best actress of the second plan in the film "In Stary Chicago". The actress could not come to the ceremony, because she broke the ankle, and a certain man came to the scene instead of her. Having adopted a statuette from the hands of the organizers, a mysterious man evaporated without a trace, and no one ever seen him. Alice his "Oscar" eventually received - the truth, only after the film academy found out that the figurine actress was incomprehensible to whom, and ordered re-manufacturing.

Drop Jennifer Lawrence

Oscar 2013 turned out to be a bit more discussed thanks to Jennifer Lawrence and its "traumatic" along Dior, who, climbing the stage to get an Oscar for his role in the film "My boyfriend is a crazy", stumbled and fell. The Jennifer occurred to the self-irony characteristic of it: having adopted a statuette, Lawrence in response to the ovation of the audience said "Thank you. You guys got up simply because you feel sorry for me - I fell, all this is very awkward, but thank you very much! "

Video: Jennifer Lawrence falls on Oscar

(and Bradley Cooper and Hugh Jackman hurry to help her rise, because it is not uncle, but gold)

John Travolta and "Adela Dazim"

At Oscar, 2014, a moment happened for which John Travolta was still ashamed for a very long time (and with him it was ashamed of the audience, because to watch this is extremely awkward so far). Coming out to announce the performance of Idina Menzel with the song Let It Go from the "Cold Heart", Travolta did not cope with the task to pronounce the name of the singer and called it "Adela Dazim".

Heartzdiyarly awkward spectacle:

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