Media: David Manukyan decided on plastic surgery


Recently, the press made out the frames, which 27-year-old David Manukyan posted in his Instagram. On the video of the rapper with a bandaged head barely turns into a tongue, telling subscribers that he suffered surgery and departs from anesthesia. What kind of surgery he did, I did not specify. But it caused a wave of various rumors and assumptions. According to the musician, the operation was planned, and for a long time in the hospital he was not going to linger. Later, the singer went online directly from the hospital bed and promised fans to lay out more video and content.

Dava hurried to calm the fans, that everything is fine with him, but refused to answer the question that he did in the clinic. "I have a planned operation. I don't need to regret, everything is fine, "David admitted. Folloviers suggested that he made himself a plastic surgery on his face, in particular, tightened his faces or corrected the chin line. The bandage and swollen face of the idol came to this idea.

The elast edition conducted its own investigation. The media has become known that the former grooms of Olga Buzova is located in the GMTclinic - prestigious multidiscipline center Anti-Age medicine. Journalists talked with one of the visitor to the center. According to the source, Manukyan made a number of operations - the liposuction of the back, chin and abdomen, as well as miniature plastic. "The operation spent Timur Hydarov. Now the gift lies in the second ward on the first floor. Yesterday, his mother, friends and some kind of girl attended him, "said Insider," Starkhita "said.

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