"They do not belong to Anastasia": boyfriend Makeeva threatens to pick up children from his wife


The scandal around the name of the boyfriend actresses Anastasia Makeeva is gaining momentum. After the wife of Roman found out that he had another, she decided to appeal to lawyers and sue the alimony. However, the novel has other plans. He initially insisted on transporting children from Slovenia to Moscow, and was not going to pay the spouse money for their content.

Recall that the new boyfriend Makeeva met her during the construction of a country house. The fools came to Moscow for earnings and started a relationship with the actress, while his wife remained at home, three sons and daughter. Having learned about the past Lovelace, Makeeva fans began to write it in the social network, convincing breaking with such an unreliable cavalier. However, Makeev justifies his beloved in everything and admits that he loves his children.

Journalists of the Starhite edition tried to figure out the tangled transshipment of the relationship of the novel. They contacted his wife to find out the situation in place. "I suspected that her husband communicates with her because he began to leave comments on her photo. I straight asked what was happening, but he pretended to do not understand what I mean. Then he wrote SMS, in which he told everything, "Svetlana explained" Starkit "and reported that now the husband simply does not take the phone. The legitimate spouse of the novel with children is in an extremely difficult financial situation - they are literally driven out of the apartment, since the family has no money to pay for it.

The position of the novel on this score is very simple - he wants children to move to him to Moscow and lived with him and his new lover. However, according to 38-year-old Svetlana, the heirs themselves do not want to move. Children in Slovenia had their own circle of friends, they attend school, actively play sports. The wrong husband threatens the spouse to deprive her parental rights. "I so hard to listen to the threats about what parental rights will be deprived of me, they will take children. But where will they be born and to whom? Judging by the very loaded pope graphics associated with servicing the needs of Anastasia, he has no free time. In addition, children do not belong to Anastasia, "Svetlana says with bitterness.

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