In the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" will figure the Warrior


In the upcoming TV series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" will appear Warrior. This in the framework of the Broboble's Post-Credit subcaster was told by the Actor Don Chaml. On the wave of news about his solo show "Bronvory", which was announced in December at the Disney Investors Day, the actor argued about the connection of all the full-length and multi-sealer projects of the film marvel and in the process of a conversation mentioned that his hero will appear in a guest role in the superhero militant with Sebastian Stan And Anthony Maki.

"In this, the whole essence of the film marvel and one of its key sides: we can all appear in other people's stories, the characters always have intersection paths. From time to time, these storylines continue to the movies, and then stories from full-length paintings are associated with what is happening in the series. It is quite fun and interesting and probably absolutely limitless - it can develop as you like. I really want to chat with the script team, because it is no longer waiting to figure out how everyone will affect the "armored". I will explain: Radi appears in the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers", but this is not all. "

The Bronverson Basis will be based on the eponymous series of comics about the terrible nightmare of Tony Stark, which is incarnating in reality: its super technologies do not fall into those hands, and with the situation will have to deal with James Roads. The first episode of Sokol and the Winter Soldier will be released on Disney + March 19.

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