Michelle Pfaiffer revealed a simple way to look young in 62 years


62-year-old actress Michelle Pfiffer still attracts admiring glances, and fans in the network fall asleep with its compliments. The star of Hollywood stated that she did nothing special to preserve youth.

"I just look like that, that's all," the artist said.

The star of the movie "What hides the lie" complies with simple rules that allow her to be healthy and look good. Michelle stated that each at least once heard about these rules, but few people consider them important.

"You must eat right, play sports and sleep ... The biggest secret: there is no secret. We are always looking for some kind of magical method, but it is wrong, "Pfaiffer said.

She added that sometimes herself leaves these simple rules, but only if there are no filming. Then Michel allows himself to eat anything harmful or drink more wine than usual. But such cases remain exceptions, so she managed to keep himself in shape.

On Valentine's Day, the actress made a gift to fans and showed a joint photo with her husband, producer David Kelly. Michelle made Selfie, leaning against the spouse of the shoulder and clinging to the temple to his temple. At the same time, the kinodiva posed without makeup.

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