"Somehow it looks sorry for it.": Former husband Gagarina embarrassed fans of her candid photo


Photographer Dmitry Ishakov, the former husband of the Russian singer Polina Gagarina, recently surprised subscribers in Instagram image of the ex-spouse. Unexpected was not so much the appearance in his blog of the former, how many frame itself, which the author chose.

Ishakov captured Gagarine semi-naked. The singer poses, covered with a towel, but it can be seen that there are no underwear under it.

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"Not everyone becomes a star, but everyone can become a professional," the photographer wrote.

The post was the advertisement of his author's course on photography. But subscribers seem to be more interested in not a training program, but the ethical side of the issue. They began to reason whether Iskhakov could use the photo of the former for her own PR. Some condemned him for such an act.

"She is no longer your woman, and show it in a semi-nailed form is unworthy of a man," "Do you think it's easy to sell the course? Only this is: somewhere a wife former half-range to put up, somewhere hayput, somewhere on pity to presant "," the act is low, not male. Somehow it looks like it looks, "wrote commentators.

Some Folloviers asked if Gagarin gave consent to the publication of the picture, but also Ishakov, and the singer herself left these questions unanswered.

Polina Gagarin and Dmitry Ishakov were married for six years - they played a wedding in September 2014. The photographer adopted the child of the singer from the first marriage with the actor Peter Kislov. And three years after the wedding, the artist gave her daughter to her husband.

Spouses have repeatedly admitted that they have different characters. At first they balanced each other, but over the years there were more disagreements, and as a result, the marriage collapsed. The divorce did not turn out to be peaceful - the spouses even had to go to court.

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