Ryan Reynolds responded to rumor about his cameo in the "League of Justice" Zack Snidder


Before the debut of the "League of Justice" Zack Snyder left less than a month left, and fans will not wait to see what the vision of the director will be. The recent publication in the Vanity Fair revealed the curious details of the project - in particular, it turned out that it would include a mysterious chameo, which will be very surprised by the audience.

Of course, this statement caused a mass of guesses, and many of them were reduced to the fact that Kameo can get a green lantern performed by Ryan Reynolds. However, the actor almost immediately published a refutation on Twitter, noting that he would not appear in the tape. "The suit remains in the closet. In the computer, I mean, "the artist joked in her style. By the way, taking into account the relationship that he had the role of Hal Jordan's role, indeed, it looks much plausible to the assumption that someone else will appear in the "League of Justice".

Back in 2013, Reynolds asked whether he was ready to return to the role, and he replied that he was not interested in this.

"Working on the Green Flashlight, I saw how difficult it is to make this concept acceptable and how it can all be confusing if you definitely do not know where you go, or do not know how to beat everything. You need to build such a world in which comic fans fell in love for decades. At the moment I am not much interested in returning to the role. But you know, an excellent script and a good director can always change everything, "the actor told.

Now Reynolds's participation in the "League of Justice" Zack Snider seems unlikely, but will finally become clear after the premiere of the tape, which is scheduled for March 18.

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