"Customize them against me!": Prioluchnaya and Motation conflict due to children


Former spouses Pavel Priluchny and Agatha Mintzenacea again find out the relationship. The actors divorced last year and, it would seem, retained friendly relations for their two children, whose upbringing engaged together. However, this is not quite true.

Recently, 31-year-old Agatha admitted that a former husband accuses her that the actress sets the children against him. She told about it in one of the issues of his author's Youtube show "Mambook". The eight-year-old Timofey and a four-year-old Mia left after the divorce stayed with her mother in the capital, and incense lives separately in a country house.

Minky himself noted that the children gradually began to move away from the Father. They can forget to call him. For such behavior of children, the inland reacts very rursing. The star of the series "In a cage" vinit in such behavior of children former wife. "The accusations will be raised into my address:" You set up children against me. This is what you behave. " It is not true! I'm trying to explain that the guys call dad. They, if they call, close in the room. I do not understand how I will cope with it, "frankly admitted a fighter, noting that the children themselves do not want to call the Father.

The guest of the program was a psychologist Marina Salov, who explained that such a problem often arises in families in which parents diverged. Children get used to the parent with whom they live, and it is difficult for them to rebuild.

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