"It is very painful": Why Daughter Zavorotnyuk does not talk about a sick mother


Often, instadilation subscribers Anna Zavorotnyuk ask her about the well-being of the mother - the stars of the series "My beautiful nanny" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Several years ago it became known that the beloved by many actresses struggles with a severe disease - glioblastoma (one of the most aggressive malignant tumors). From the very beginning, the star relatives did not want to call her diagnosis, but over time it became impossible to hide it. In the summer of 2019, the network still leaked information about the fact that anastasia brain cancer. Then many wanted to find out the details that came to the Anna page in the Instagram social network. However, disappointment was waiting there: the heirs of the star chose not to comment on mom's disease. Recently, Zavorotnyuk-younger explained the causes of such behavior.

So, one of the fans asked the Anna directly, why she does not talk about her mother, suggesting that this topic was banned. Anna frankly wrote: "Because it hurts, and I am afraid to shake the air. I just pray and believe, talking about it does not make sense. I do not need pity, I just want mom to be healthy and nearby. " She then expressed gratitude to those subscribers who support her and do not ask provocative issues.

Recall, Anya is the eldest daughter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Her and son Michael Star gave birth from businessman Dmitry Trekov. Also, the actress has a daughter Mila, which was born in October 2018. The father of the girl is Figuret Petr Chernyshev - the current husband of Zavorotnyuk. He, like other members of her family, does not like to talk about the state and well-being of his spouse, however, it makes everything possible that it goes as soon as possible to amend.

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