Nick Jonas shocked by Chopra's hands and heart offer 8 weeks of novel


Nick Jonas and Psopra's pleasant began to meet in 2016, and for two years later, the couple had noted a wedding. Now the actress admits that their novel developed as fast as she herself did not expect. For the first time they tied to chat still in social networks, when nickname wrote a star of the Indian cinema a short message in Twitter. Then they met at a party after one of the award ceremonies.

And although the pleasant admits that he immediately "knew" - Jonas will be the man for whom she will marry - the actress was shocked when Nick made her a proposal about eight weeks from the start of the relationship. Chopra remembered this recently in an interview with Elle magazine.

"I thought it would ever happen, but it was still a full shock," the actress emphasized, adding that he decided to discard doubts and respond to the Uhager consent.

At the same time, Nick appeared in the life of Chopra just when she was going to relax from dates.

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"But there was always something in the nickname, so we constantly supported the connection, wherever we are," the pleasant explained.

We will remind, nickname and pleasant organized in honor of the marriage immediately, several beautiful ceremonies at once - so, in the homeland, the wedding actresses lasted three days according to the traditional Indian customs, and soon after that a celebration was held in North Carolina.

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